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Sample view

What you can do in the sample page

Ha Ngan Nguyen avatar
Written by Ha Ngan Nguyen
Updated over a week ago

Much like the product page, the sample view is the place to get all the information related to a sample. From here, you can do the check-in, print sample labels, import sample lists, and much more.

Same as the products page or jobs page, you are able to switch between the Filtered View and the Search View. The Filtered View will be similar to the one you see on the Production View where you can change the order of the columns, set filter values, and create and share the view with your teammates. You can also right-click on a sample to see the actions menu.

Note: If you filter for Product or Job code, for example, the number of default values displayed in the dropdown is 30 values, enter a specific code to find it.

Below is the Search view. On the left side, it is the filter section. You can filter the products by Clients and then add more conditions to narrow down what you want.

  • Free text: this will find anything from product code, product name, job code, or sample code

  • Location: where the samples are checked in or checked out

  • State: any, active or inactive samples. If a product is deactivated then the samples associated with it will be deactivated as well.

  • Status: any, backlog, to do, in progress, or done samples

  • Property: filter by property type that you have created

  • Value: the property value that you have created. You can also search by multiple values under one property by clicking the ‘plus’ button. Each value has to be on a separate line.

When you click on the sample, you will see a slide-in that gives you additional information. The ‘Production’ tab, the product code, product name, and the job code linked with that sample will be displayed. When you click on the job code, all the information that you can see on the product page will be displayed as well.

With the ‘Styling’ tab, you will see information about the outfit that uses this sample.

From here, you can edit the outfit by adding products to enrich your outfit or adding styling notes, or removing the outfit.

When choosing a sample you can right click on it or use the Actions menu to see the available options:

  • Edit samples: edit sample properties

  • Check in or Check out

  • Change location: change the sample location, for example from the check-in location to the check-out location

  • Add to container or Remove from container

  • Print sample label: You will have to have the printer configuration setup.

  • Update from data source: if you have a data source set up, you can click this action to keep your data updated to the latest version

  • Delete samples: this action cannot be undone

  • Export CSV: download an excel file of what you have filtered

  • Display image: change the display image of a sample

  • Event log: see the actions log of this sample

The ‘Import’ button will open up the import window for you to upload a list of samples. There are two further scenarios here:

  • If the Client you select has Sample pooling enabled, you will be able to upload a CSV file and get moved to the mapping column box.

  • If the Client you select has Sample polling disabled, you will be able to choose the job scope for those samples, and then be able to upload a CSV file and get moved to the mapping column box.

This works the same as importing a job via file. You just need to make sure the ‘Product Code’ is mapped. Click here to learn about updating Sample properties in bulk.

The ‘Scan’ button will take you to the scanning screen. You can check the samples in for a ‘Job’ or just check the samples in without a specific job when choosing ‘Unlimited’. Find more information about sample check-in here.

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