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Products Page

What you can do on Products page

Ha Ngan Nguyen avatar
Written by Ha Ngan Nguyen
Updated over a month ago

Products page is where you can get all the needed data related to a product. From here, you can edit products, reset productions, change locations, and more.

On the products page, you are able to switch between the Filtered View and the Search View. The Filtered View will be similar to the one you see on the Production page where you can change the order of the columns, set filter values, and create and share the view with your teammates. You can also right-click on a product to see the actions menu.


  • If you filter for Product or Job code, for example, the number of default values displayed in the dropdown is 30 values, enter a specific code to find it.

  • Backlog products will not be available on the Capture kanban screen. Click here to learn about Product status vs Production status.

  • Click here to learn about Product vs Sample.

Below is the Search View. On the left side, it is the filter section. You can filter the products by Clients and then add more conditions to narrow down what you want.

  • Free text: this will find anything from product code, product name, job code, or sample code

  • Location: where the samples are checked in or checked out

  • State: any, active or inactive products. With inactive products, you won’t be able to do any actions unless you enable them

  • Status: any, backlog, to-do, in progress, or done products

  • Property: filter by property type that you have created

  • Value: the property value that you have created. You can also search by multiple values under one property by clicking the ‘plus’ button. Each value has to be on a separate line.

When choosing a product, these are the actions you can take.

  • Edit products: you can disable/ enable the product and the production type and add data to the product property here. You can edit multiple products at the same time. Creative Force will then separate the products by segment for you to make the changes.

  • Change post vendor: change the post-production vendor. This is only available when you have post-production vendors set up under your studio settings.

  • Delete products: all the assets related to this product will be deleted and this action cannot be undone

  • Reset production: we have an article on this here

  • Bypass external post: skip the external post-production and push the product to the next step in the production

  • Change location: change the location where you check the sample in/out

  • Update from data source: if you have a data source set up, you can click this action to keep your data updated to the latest version

  • Print sample label: print the sample label associated with this product. You will have to have the printer configuration setup.

  • Export CSV: download an excel file of what you have filtered

When clicking a product, you will see a slide-in that includes the Overview, Production, Styling, Samples, and Assets associated with that product. The 'Eye icon' will take you to a contact sheet of the product. The 3-dots menu includes all the actions stated above. And click 'View' to expand your product view.

The ‘Scan’ button will take you to the scanning screen. You can check the samples in for a ‘Job’ or just check the samples in without a specific job when choosing ‘Unlimited’.

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