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How to connect Capture One to Kelvin
How to connect Capture One to Kelvin
Bri H. avatar
Written by Bri H.
Updated over 5 months ago

Our Capture One integration helps make your life easier, allowing you to connect

Capture One directly to Kelvin!

In order to work with the Capture One integration, you will need version 2.10.0 or later of Kelvin on Mac, as well as Capture One version 20 or 21. We now support Capture One 22 from version 3.24.0 or later of Kelvin. And support for Windows will be coming available soon.

You can download the latest version of Kelvin from our website or by updating Kelvin directly within the App.

In order to connect Capture One to Kelvin, navigate to the center-left of the top toolbar where you will see a Capture One logo. Once you’ve clicked the logo a window will appear prompting you to connect to Capture One.

The first time that you connect to Capture One, your computer may ask for permission to link the two pieces of software. You can accept these changes.

Once Capture One has been successfully connected, you will notice the Capture One logo on the top toolbar becomes illuminated.

You are now ready to move forward with Capture One and Kelvin. If you have trouble connecting Kelvin and Capture One, you can check Troubleshooting: Cannot connect to Capture One

For more information on Capture One check out the articles below:

Capture One Integration: Next Capture Naming

Capture One Integration: Session Favorite Control

Capture One Integration: Reversible Cropping

Capture One Integration: Backup Assistant

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