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July 16th - Sprint 156 Release Notes
July 16th - Sprint 156 Release Notes

Sprint 156: Improved Transfer Method, New Asset Layout in Editorial & AI Copywriter Updates

Eugene Fisher avatar
Written by Eugene Fisher
Updated over 8 months ago

Happy sprint release day! This week we’re sharing news about an improved file transfer method for external post, a new way to look at images in editorial, and a few other updates.

We love hearing your feedback and would appreciate your thoughts on our Release Notes. Please feel free to let us know what information is most valuable to you using the contact info at the bottom of this release.

New Transfer Method for External Post

We’re excited to share a new transfer method now available for vendors using FTP and connection types.

This new transfer method relies on file name and location instead of metadata, simplifying the process of returning files and troubleshooting mistakes.

Key Benefits:

  • Fewer missing files: Files are returned based on the file name, location, and in some cases, file extension. This aligns more closely with the conventions used in studio and vendor workflows.

  • Increased transparency: A new file will be sent to your vendor which outlines all files expected for return, and preset specifications may also be communicated to your vendor such as DPI, Color Space, and more.

  • No more unexpected files: With this new transfer method, we will only accept back the number of files specified by your style guides and presets.

In the future we will take steps to transition current metadata-based vendors using FTP and over to the new filename-based transfer method.

Film Strip Layout in Editorial

Editorial users now have more flexibility in how they view images in the selection process! The new layout features a ‘film strip’ of images along the bottom of the screen for users to scroll through, and shows selected images in the primary viewing area.

Increased Shot Count Range for Ghost Mannequin

We’ve expanded the shot count range for Ghost Mannequin position types. Users can now select a shot count range of 2 to 99, allowing for greater flexibility in image uploads.

Automation Updates to the AI Copywriter

We’ve added two new settings for AI Automation in the Copywriter style guide: Instructions and Properties. These let users provide more details about the copy they want from the AI Copywriter so that it produces higher quality content.

Stay tuned for more exciting AI Copywriter updates!

Questions, ideas or feedback?

We're always striving to create the best product for you and your team! Feel free to drop us a line via email/chat, or submit your ideas and feedback directly to our product team via

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