Copywriting Overview
The Copywriting feature gives copywriters the ability to see product data, images, and guidelines as they work. It also manages to easily QC copy and track performance all in one place.
Before moving with this below Copywriting workflow setup, you should go over the Overview article to learn about Accounts and Client setup.
Workflow Set-up
After creating a custom production type for the “Text” type under your Studio settings, you can add this production type to a workflow. To add this to a workflow, you’ll just need to enable the “Text” production type under the Workflow Settings:
Once that is selected, the Copywriting tab will appear. Here you can select one of the Copywriting workflows from the dropdown. Currently, there is the Standard Copy Workflow available.
Click here to learn about AI Automation in Copywriting.
Task initiation
You can set up a certain trigger to start the Copywriting task.
This trigger will determine at which step a copywriter will have access to a task. There are a few different Task Triggers to choose from:
On product creation: The copywriter can begin working on a task as soon as the product is created.
A related sample is checked in: The copywriter can begin working on a task as soon as a related sample has been checked in.
Photography of any production type is done: The copywriter can begin working on a task as soon as any production type for a product has been completed.
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Photography of a specific production type is done: The copywriter can begin working on a task as soon as a specific production type has been completed. You can select a production type from the drop-down and select the operator between 'Or' and 'And'.
Task bundling
Products with the same Style Code can be progressed together in a bundle of products. This means that the copywriter can create text content at the style code level applying the same content to all products.
Products can be in a bundle when:
The Style Code value is available and identical at the time of import.
Products are on the same Style Guide and Workflow versions.
Products that are imported before the Copywriting task (or QC) is completed will be bundled together.
Products that are imported after a Bundle task is completed, will not be grouped.
Combining Task trigger and Task bundling, when a single product has been started, will affect the whole bundle of products.
For example:
Trigger: The task starts when the product is checked in.
There is a Bundle of 5 products with the same style code.
When the first product is checked in, copywriting can now be done for the whole Bundle.
When the task bundle is enabled and your products have the same Style Code, you will be able to see the number of tasks available in that bundle here.
If a Bundle has more than 300 tasks, you will not be able to filter by that style code on Production, Products, Samples and Assets page.
Allow Auto QA, if you enable this box, the copywriters will be able to push the task forward even though they have not reached the set requirements in the style guide for the task.
You can choose to bypass quality control and allow Auto QA for your copywriting tasks.
In the Asset Delivery tab, you will need to assign a delivery location for copywriting assets under the production type:
Once the workflow has been set up, you’re ready to add the Copywriting configurations to a style guide. Learn how to set up the Style Guide here.
If you have any questions along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Support team via Intercom or at