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Delivery options - Bynder
Delivery options - Bynder
Ha Ngan Nguyen avatar
Written by Ha Ngan Nguyen
Updated over 8 months ago

With Creative Force, it is possible to create the asset delivery place to the following servers:

This article will show you the steps to connect to Bynder. But first, you need to set up Bynder integration here.

To add Bynder as a delivery option, go to Studio settings -> Clients -> Edit Client -> Delivery options. Click ‘Add’.

The NAME is anything that you would like, so perhaps choose the name of the customer's Bynder account, or something easily identifiable.

The Bynder URL is the instance URL that you are delivering to. So for example:

The Grant Type is by default, Client Credentials. Creative Force will use your given information to access your Bynder instance.

Create OAuth Apps in Bynder

Next, you will need to create your OAuth Apps in Bynder and generate the Bynder Client ID and Bynder Client Secret allowing us to connect with the Bynder API to deliver assets to you.

Bynder has this very helpful article on how to generate your Client ID and Secret. You will need to have a separate Client ID and Secret for each of your CF Clients.

For the Authorization redirect URIs you can use the following:

For the HTTP access control (CORS) you can use the following:

The set up should look like the below

  • Select grant type: Authorization Code + Refresh Token (for the existing setup you have in Gamma before April 9th, 2024)

  • Select grant type: Client Credentials (for new setup in Gamma after April 9th, 2024)


  • Bynder does not allow the users to update the OAuth scope, you need to ensure that all of the "Assets" and "Metaproperties" scopes are selected when creating the OAuth app. Otherwise, please create a new OAuth app so that Creative Force can communicate with Bynder.

  • Make sure you select the below scopes:

    • asset:read

    • asset:write

In Bynder, the Brand ID is effectively your Brand ID in Gamma. By going to your brand page you will be able to obtain this from a URL. Go to the below page on your Bynder Account. Replace insert-your-bynder-domain with your own account name., then click on your Brand.

On the next page, you will notice a string that follows at the end of the URL:

Copy the 'BRAND-ID-STRING' string into the BRAND ID field in Gamma.

  • If you are using Authorization Code + Refresh Token grant type:

Once all of these steps are done, complete the connection by clicking on 'Login Bynder'.

Here you need to make sure that you are not already logged in via a separate window in your Bynder instance to ensure a successful authentication. If you are already logged in, please log out first before completing that step.

  • If you are using Client Credentials grant type: You will just need to click 'Save'.

Metadata Delivery Set Up

At the heart of Bynder is the use of Metadata (Meta Properties, as they call it) to help you quickly identify, and source assets within the Asset Bank.

What you are able to do within Creative Force is define certain metadata properties to be delivered into the appropriate fields within Bynder, effectively linking metadata between Creative Force and Bynder.

Here, you can define which properties you want to migrate to the Asset Title, Description, Tags, and Copyright fields within Bynder. What this does is whenever an asset has a certain field complete in Creative Force, that same information will be populated in Bynder when the asset is delivered.

Alongside the relatively generic Description, Tags, and Copyright fields, you can map metadata between the two systems via the Meta Properties section. This links properties from Creative Force to custom metaproperties that you have defined in Bynder.

Clicking on edit opens up the below mapping panel, where you can choose where Creative Force Property fields can be mapped to within Bynder.


Please keep in mind if the property in Bynder is a "Select" metaproperty, then it will only accept certain predefined values. This means the value that you have in Creative Force, will have to match one of the values in Bynder.

For instance, if you have days of the week as a metaproperty in Bynder with the following values:






Then the Day of the Week value coming from Creative Force can only be one of those 5 to be accepted in your Bynder Account. If you input Saturday for instance in Creative Force for a product, then it won't be accepted on Bynder.

File delivery setup

After finishing all of the above steps and you can connect to Bynder successfully, the files can be delivered.

However, with the below settings, you can decide how the files are received in your Bynder instance.

Search for existing assets by file name

This setting will allow CF to scan the Bynder instance and find the existing assets by file name.

Letter case

You can decide the file path and file name in lowercase, UPPERCASE, or No change from when they are delivered from CF.

When file exists

  • Create a new asset: CF will always save a new asset in your Bynder instance. This option will overwrite the existing files based on filename. You must enable Search for existing assets by filename.

  • Make a new asset version: CF will scan the Bynder instance to check for existing assets by Bynder Media ID (from the backend) and also by filename (if the Search for existing assets by file name is enabled).

    • If we receive one result, CF will save a new version of the existing asset.

    • If we receive multiple results, CF will create a new asset. (Overwrite existing files based on filename)

    • If we receive zero results, CF will create a new asset. (Overwrite existing files based on filename)

    • If we cannot find the Bynder Media ID and Search for existing assets by file name is disabled, CF will create a new asset. (Overwrite existing files based on filename)

Once this is done, you can click 'Save'. Creative Force will be linked to Bynder, both in terms of asset delivery, and metadata! What this means in practice is that whenever a product and its assets are completed, those assets at the Asset Delivery step will be delivered both to the Asset View and to Bynder.

If it says ‘Failed to check’, the connection has not been integrated. Please check the info you have filled in again, if everything is correct, please contact our support team for more details.

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