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What are presets and how to set up presets?

Ha Ngan Nguyen avatar
Written by Ha Ngan Nguyen
Updated over 6 months ago

Presets are a way of defining the output requirements for an image after post-production. The presets are set at a client level and are applied to Style Guide Positions. A Style Guide can use the same preset for all positions or use separate ones per position depending on your use case.

For an Internal Post Production team, the defined presets will be shown in the HUE panel of Photoshop.

The presets will also be visible during both External and Internal Post QC. Ensuring that image requirements are maintained throughout.

To set up Presets, browse to the main menu in the top right corner and click on "Studio Settings":

Or you can click on the "Production" menu and click on the "presets" menu from there:

You can search the preset by its name or filter it by a Client name.

Adding presets

Depending on your subscription plan, you will see a slightly different 'Add preset' dialog. Here, you will need to select/fill in all of the below information to create a preset.

  • Select a client

  • Preset type: E-comm or Editorial

  • Preset media type: Photography or Video

  • Preset name

Once you’ve completed the settings, you can move to ‘Spec’ to set all your specifications for a preset and define any variants that the preset may have. Variants are used when a specific position has multiple different outputs. This means that you can create multiple image variants with different file formats, DPIs, dimensions, etc for a position with ease.


  • If products are being produced on a preset, variants cannot be added or removed. The reason is that if you were to add/remove a variant, then this would affect existing products all of a sudden needing or losing the need for an image in a given position. So we lock variants in on presets once they are in use to avoid any mishaps during the production process.

  • Max number of variants in one preset is 50

Image/Video Metadata

This is where you decide the schema, property, and value Creative Force can write to your file. You can set these rules on specific variants by switching on the ‘Variant specific’ toggle.

  • Schema: Where you address standards for common components of metadata. We support the most common ones which are Dublin Core, IPTC, XMP, EXIF. You can also create your own custom XMP namespaces as well by using Metadata data namespace settings in clients.

  • Property: Where you want Creative Force to write the data within that Schema

  • Value: Which data you want Creative Force to write. For example, the product’s category can be written under the category property; the color under the color property; the product code under the product code property...

The values will appear in the image’s metadata like below.

Next to each rule, you can see these three icons

  • The three-cube icon is the conditional rules icon. This works the same as setting conditional rules for a style guide position

  • The exclamation mark icon is to let you know that the tag will not be written when the value is empty

  • The stack icon: if your value is an array data type, you will see this icon available. When selected, the value will be written as a comma-separated array instead of a string

  • The trash can icon is where you can delete the rule


  • For custom XMP namespace, CF only supports the string data type

Creative Force will write the metadata twice in the production:

  • Before sending to the External Post, most of the merge field values will be written. For example, the External Post QC won't be available because this step happens after External Post.

  • Before asset delivery, at this time all merge field values are available. If you change any of these merge fields and reset the product, when the asset is delivered, the metadata will be rewritten.

If you are not sure how to set this up, you can click the ‘toolbox icon’ next to the ‘Add rule’ button. This is where you can:

  • Download an example file to review the results of the metadata rules you have applied.

  • Upload a file with existing metadata, allowing you to import the Schema and Property configurations for the existing metadata to the preset.

Once your presets are ready, you can add them to Style Guides Positions! Click here to learn how.

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