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Style Guide 'Settings'
Style Guide 'Settings'

Edit the Style Guides settings

Matthias Farenholtz avatar
Written by Matthias Farenholtz
Updated over a month ago

To access the Style guide settings, navigate to the Production tab and choose Style Guides.

Here, you will find a list of all your existing Style Guides. You can click ‘Add Style guide’ to create a new one. Or hover over a style guide to edit, view, duplicate or print the style guide. Click ‘edit’ to see the style guide settings.

Duplicate style guide

When clicking on 'Duplicate', the below dialog will appear giving you the options to quickly set up the "new" duplicated style guide.

Duplicating style guide is not supported when the style guide has a 'Copywriting' production type.

Destination Client

You can select the same client or a different client to have this style guide. If you select the same client, the dialog will be much simpler.

If you select a different client, depending on your existing style guide, you will see the below settings.


If your existing style guide has presets, you will see this option to either include them in the duplication or exclude them.


  • Include workflow in duplication: the workflow will be duplicated along with the style guide.

    • Asset delivery option will be disabled when duplicating the workflow to another client.

    • If the workflow includes External Post as a step, the same post vendor will be used.

  • Assign existing workflow: you can select the existing workflow of the destination client.

    • If the workflow does not have matching production types, CF will show an alert message and you can also view the workflow.

Style guide 'Settings'

In the Style Guide 'Settings' there are required and optional fields to fill in.

Required settings are:

Enable Style guide

Disabled Style guides can not be used for production and are not being mapped on Job import, the default value is 'enabled’

Style guide name

Add/edit the name for the selected Style guide by editing the existing default value

Assigned Workflow

Assign the correct workflow to be used for the Style Guide by selecting a workflow from the drop-down menu.

Assigned Category Triggers

Add/edit the correct category triggers to be used for this Style guide by hitting ‘+’ on the existing trigger or writing in the text field to add new ones.

Note: Triggers are case-insensitive.

Optional settings are:

Style guide cover

Upload the cover image for the Style Guide


Add/edit the general description for the Style Guide.


Add/edit files to your Style Guides, to give additional information such as Set building instructions etc.

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