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Selection Collection

How to create Editorial Selection Collection

Ha Ngan Nguyen avatar
Written by Ha Ngan Nguyen
Updated over a month ago

Selection Collection is a powerful feature in Creative Force that transforms how creative teams gather and manage image feedback from multiple stakeholders during final selection. This centralized solution eliminates the need to juggle various tools and manual processes. By streamlining the reminder and consolidation process, Selection Collection helps Creative Project Managers efficiently manage collaborative image selection.

Before using Collections, you will need to set up your Sharing settings in your studio, please refer to ‘External Sharing general setup' in this article. And set up your role to have ‘Edit’ right on Collaboration.

Please note that Selection Collections are available for deliverables with a Final Selection step. More info about Final Selection in Editorial is here.

Selection Collection page

Once you have Edit right for Collections, you will be able to access this tab in Gamma and create Selection Collections.

This is the hub for all your Collections. The content you see here is filtered based on client access and your time zone settings. Just like in other Gamma pages, you can apply, save, and share custom filters to suit your needs.

View Options:

  • Grid View: Perfect for a visual overview

  • List View: Great for a detailed breakdown

Hover Over a Collection for Quick Actions:

  • Copy Link

  • Open in New Tab: More on this in the Collections Review section.

  • Three-Dot Menu: Offers these options:

    • Disable: Turn off a collection (you can re-enable it anytime).

    • Delete: Goodbye, Collection.

    • Duplicate: Copy all settings and images into a fresh collection.

    • Debug Info: Useful if you need to reach out to Support.

Clicking a Collection brings up extra info. A slide-in panel provides more details. And yes, you can edit the Collection anytime!

Creating a Selection Collection

You can create Selection Collections for deliverables with Final Selection tasks that reach the To Do or In Progress status.

From the Selection Collections Page:

  1. Navigate to the Selection Collections page.

  2. Click “Create Collection” to start fresh.

  3. Select the Collections' Type.

From the Workflow tab in Deliverables

  1. Select the Deliverable > Workflow

  2. Add Final Selection step to the workflow

  3. Click ‘Share’


  • If you save the Workflow as a template with a Selection Collection, the Share settings will not be included in the template.

  • Once the Final Selection task is Done, you can still click on the ‘Share’ button but it will be in Read-only mode.

From the Final Selection task detail screen

  1. Navigate to the Final Selection kanban view.

  2. Pick a task.

  3. Click on ‘Share’.

Setting Up a Collection

You will then see the setup screen appear. From here you can change the Collection’s name and add a description. By default, the Collection’s name is the Deliverable name.

Collection detail tabs

On the right-hand side, you will see three different tabs.

  • Overview: Adjust sharing settings for reviewers (like External Review Task Setup)

    • Add reviewers and assign access levels.

    • Set experience preferences (e.g., visibility of decisions or feedback).

  • Content: View and add tasks. Click ‘Add content’ to add more tasks.

  • Comments: Review and reply to reviewer feedback in real-time.

Collection’s General Access

Restricted: Only invited users from allowed domains can access. More information here.

Collection’s Experience Settings

Here, you can decide how your reviewers see the data in Collections.

  • Allow showing Alts: alternative images will be displayed

  • Allow download: by default, it is disabled

  • Feedback visibility: you can choose to show it to everyone or to CF users only

  • Decision visibility: you can choose to show it to everyone or to CF users only

  • Decision level:

    • By Collection: Decision maker will make a single decision for the entire collection

    • By Assets: Decision maker will approve or reject individual assets

  • Asset elements: select which elements to be displayed for your reviewers

  • Sort order: select a sorting order from the drop-down list

Collection sharing

Once your collection is set up and you’ve added your reviewers, it’s time to share for review.

Here, you have the options to:

  • Publish: to send out an automated email notification inviting the reviewers to review the collection’s assets.

  • Save & Close: to save the collection and it will close the setup screen. Then, you can copy the collection link and share it with your reviewers.

Want to preview what reviewers will see? Click “Open in New Tab” to view the Review App interface. This is also the same interface that your external reviewers see when reviewing the shared collection assets. Click here to learn more.

Once the reviewers share their feedback and decisions, you as the Task Owner can go into the Final Selection task and act accordingly.

Pro Tips:

Go to the Final Selection Kanban page and filter by Collection Activity. You’ll be able to see which tasks have Approved/Rejected assets. This can be filtered based on the Decision Maker's activity.


  • Tasks from different Clients can go into the same Collection.

  • If the Final Selection task is deleted or reset, its assets are also removed from the Collection.

  • Collections can handle up to 1,000 tasks.

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