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Workflow V2 - Capture
Workflow V2 - Capture
Ha Ngan Nguyen avatar
Written by Ha Ngan Nguyen
Updated over 2 months ago

To access the Workflow settings, navigate to the Production tab and from there click on Workflows V2. From this screen, you can create a new Workflow, or hover over an existing one and select ‘Edit.’

To get started, click on Add Step in the center of the Workflow builder. In this article, we will review the workflow steps related to ingesting and reviewing our assets.


The first step in our workflow will always be the Capture step, and it can only exist once within the workflow. The capture step will define where and how our assets are ingested.

Cut-Off for Production Reset

Upon first adding our Capture step, the pop-out menu will display ‘Cut-off for production reset.’ Initially, the selection drop-down will be empty, but additional options will be added as you continue to build your workflow and add applicable steps.

The Cut-Off step refers to the point in the workflow where resetting a product or asset is no longer possible without additional manual intervention.

This setting ensures that after a certain stage in production, changes do not disrupt the integrity of workflows or downstream processes such as vendor delivery or post-production tasks.

Only one step can be designated as the cut-off step. Once the step is reached in production resets can only be triggered from Gamma.

Final Selection

Final Selection is a required task step that can be added following the Capture step.

In the slide-out, you can toggle between Final Selection in Kelvin and Final Selection on the Web.

Executed By Photographer (In Kelvin)

With this option, the photographer will be prompted to define the assets moving forward as part of their process within Kelvin.

Allow Alternative Shots

Toggle whether alternative shots can be uploaded other than what is required in the style guide, allowing for selection changes later in the production flow.

Executed By Art Director (In Browser)

With this option, Final Selection will occur as a task within Gamma that can be completed separately from the initial Capture session.

Note that ‘Allow Alternative Shots’ will be selected by default if choosing this option, and can not be toggled off.

On-Set Upload Experience

Toggle between Pre-Selection, and Pre-Selection by Position. Depending on your selection, a pre-selection upload will be required at either the task level or per photography position.

Auto-Map to Position

This additional option can be toggled on or off if Pre-Selection is selected under On-Set Upload Experience, but is not available for Pre-Selection by Position.

With Auto-Map to Position enabled, automation will try to auto-map assets to style guide positions by filenames. Available only for Looklet and Orbitvu production types.

Photo Review

Photo Review is another optional task step that can be added following the Capture step. Photo Review can be added in addition to Final Selection. In this task, users can perform a review of the selected images prior to moving into the post-production phase of the process.

Position To Be Reviewed

This option list allows the user to select their preferred Review Type.

  • All Positions: All positions from the Photography step will be sent for review in the Photo Review task.

  • Hero Positions: Only the designated Hero Position from the Photography step will be sent for review in the Photo Review task.

  • Custom: Only positions that have been designated at the Style Guide level will be sent for review in the Photo Review task.

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