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How to Reset a Workflow in Editorial

Guide to resetting workflows in Creative Force Editorial

Bri H. avatar
Written by Bri H.
Updated over a week ago

Resetting a Workflow in Editorial

In Editorial, rather than resetting a production, you have two options: Reset to Step and Complete Reset.

Reset to Step is helpful in cases where a mistake or error has been made in a previous step and the image(s) need to go back through an individual step in the workflow but do not require a full reset to the start. The Reset to Step function can be found under the three-dot menu to the right of a workflow step.

Complete reset is necessary when changes to the workflow, such as adding or removing a step, are needed after the workflow has been started. In this situation, the assets will be reset to the first step in your workflow and it should be noted that any work done on the assets will be lost.

To completely reset your workflow, navigate to the three-dot menu located to the right of the Workflow header. From the dropdown menu select “Complete Reset”.

For more information on the resetting process in the E-comm module of Creative Force check out the article: How to Reset a Production

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