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Deliverable Creation in Editorial

How to create deliverables in Editorial

Bri H. avatar
Written by Bri H.
Updated over a week ago


Inside a project, you'll find a list of line items consisting of the shots that are required in order for the project to be completed. We call these line items 'deliverables.' One deliverable is equal to one final, delivered shot (and any alts you may want to deliver with it). For example, you may have a project that requires the following:

  1. Outfit Laydown Grid

  2. Creative Product Shot with Models

  3. Product Still Life Shot

Each of the above shots would be considered one deliverable. Completing each of the deliverables will trigger the completion of the overall project.

Product code must be a unique identifier, it cannot be the same as Sample code, Outfit code, project code or deliverable code.

Let’s take a look at how to create a deliverable below:

Deliverable Creation

Begin by navigating to your project in Editorial, then select Deliverables:

Next, navigate to the blue 'Add' button where once clicked, you will see the four methods for creating a new deliverable. We will outline those methods below.

1. New Deliverable

When selecting New Deliverable, you will need to add the deliverables one by one and update the required data manually.

2. Paste List

The paste list method allows you to simply paste a list of deliverable names to add them to the project. You are not able to add all of the custom data for the deliverables this way, that information would need to be updated manually after the deliverables names have been added. Note that each row should only contain a single name.

3. Upload Images

The third method is to add deliverables by uploading images. With this method, one image = one deliverable. You are able to upload JPG, PNG, PSD, and TIF files.

4. Upload Sheet

The fourth and recommended method is to upload your deliverables via an Excel file. The benefit of this method is that you are able to upload all of the data for each deliverable directly to your project and create deliverables in bulk.

Add New Deliverables via Upload Sheet

Once you have selected Upload Sheet from the drop-down menu, a window will show with the option to download a template. This template file contains all of the supporting columns for deliverable upload. Simply fill out the template, export it as an Excel file and upload it from the same window to bulk create your deliverables.

Tip: Be sure to follow the same text format as shown in the examples within the text fields on the template.

Once uploaded, Creative Force will provide confirmation that the file is valid. From here you may press continue.

Creative Force will also alert if any values were unable to be mapped due to missing or invalid data and what fields need to be adjusted or updated.

Update New Deliverables via Upload Sheet

You also have the ability to update deliverables using the Upload Sheet method. To do so, first, navigate to the deliverables tab within your editorial project and select the Actions menu. From the drop-down menu, select 'Update via Sheet'

From here you’ll see similar download and upload options, however in this case you will see the option to download current data. This will prompt the download of an editable template completed with all current deliverable information that you can then update and reupload, allowing for bulk updates of existing deliverables. Please note that you do not have the ability to change the deliverable ID when updating deliverables.

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