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AI Instruction Templates for Generating Tailored Copy with
AI Instruction Templates for Generating Tailored Copy with

A comprehensive guide to working with AI in Creative Force Copywriting

Simon Ahm Bjerre avatar
Written by Simon Ahm Bjerre
Updated over a week ago

Our copywriting AI, is built on a specialized templating language, designed to create tailored, high-quality e-commerce content at scale. This powerful system provides flexibility, allowing you to control the tone, format, and details of the AI-generated text with precision.

With just a few lines of instructions, you can generate everything from generic product descriptions to inspiring marketing copy. The AI analyzes product images alongside predefined properties, delivering copy that fits seamlessly into your product page layout.

In this article, we’ll cover the basics of using these templates in the Copywriting Module. For those seeking more advanced insights, we’ll also delve deeper into the specifics of template customization and optimization.

Purpose of the Templating Language

The templating language acts as a bridge between raw product data and polished, market-ready copy. Here’s what it offers:

  1. Consistency across all product descriptions

  2. Rapid content generation, tailored to each product

  3. Customizable tone, style, and format to suit your brand

  4. Dynamic integration of product features and specifications

By utilizing this templating system, you can streamline the copywriting process, ensuring each description is engaging, informative, and aligned with your target audience.

Basic Structure and Syntax

The templating language is made up of two core components:

1. Template Blocks

Enclosed in double curly braces {{ }}, these blocks define sections of content and guide how they are generated.

Example: {{ introduction_paragraph | motivational, passionate, 1-2 sentences }}

2. Control Structures

These handle loops and conditional statements, using {% %} to add logic to your templates.

Example: {% for feature in features as bulleted list %}

By combining these elements, you can build flexible templates tailored to different products and business needs.

Three Practical Examples

1) Product Introduction

Let’s begin by generating a brief product introduction to be displayed on the Product Details Page (PDP).


  1. Go to your Copywriting Style Guide Configuration.

  2. Open the settings for any Copywriting Field of the type Text Area.

  3. In the AI Automation tab, toggle the AI Automation setting to ENABLED.

  4. In the Prompt Instruction field, enter the following template.

Product Introduction Template

{{product_description | technical, short, 2 lines, about the product, first line states Brand and Product Name, second line concisely lists Category, Silhouette, and Fabric, don't mention other features}}

This template generates a concise two-line introduction, mentioning key product details like brand, name, category, silhouette, and fabric, while excluding other features for brevity.

Leave the input field called Reference Examples empty for now in the Settings.

AI With or Without Predefined Properties

The Connector can generate text solely from product images, but for more specific copy, you can define properties to be included in the prompt. This ensures that certain details are always included in the generated text.

To include predefined properties:

  1. Go to the Properties tab and add the desired Prompt Properties (e.g., Product Name, Brand, Category, Silhouette, and Fabric).

  2. Map these to your corresponding Product Properties imported into Creative Force (the red merge field elements) (e.g., Product Name = “%product_name”, Brand = “%brand,” Category = “%sub-category”*).

    *Please not that the "Sub-Category" token is a custom property in the specific example.

The AI will prioritize these properties in the generated copy over any generic information derived from the images.

Once your AI Automation settings are saved they will take immediate effect through the Copywriting Configuration whenever a Copywriting or Copywriting QC task associated with that Configuration is opened from the Task Kanban page.

2) Product Details in Bullet List Format

Next, we’ll create a bullet-point list of product features based on the product images. In this case, we want to avoid listing the literal names of the product features.

Product Details Template

{{technical_specs | technical, precise, concise bullet list format, of 6-10 most relevant product features, don't write name of each feature}}

This template will produce a clean, concise bullet list, detailing the most relevant product features identified by the AI. When pre-defined properties are included, information like “Slim fit,” “Knitted,” or “100% cashmere” will be automatically loaded into the prompt to guide the AI.

Whenever available, the AI will prioritize such properties over other details identified from the images, ensuring exact word use across the generated descriptions.

3) Product Romance Description

Finally, we’ll generate a more descriptive, engaging piece of copy, often referred to as “product romance copy,” designed to inspire and connect with the reader on an emotional level.

Product Romance Description Template

{{descriptive_paragraph | motivational, passionate, for the reader, 2-4 sentences, describing the most interesting features of the product}}

This template creates a passionate and evocative description, focusing on the product’s most compelling features to spark excitement and interest in the buyer.

One Click to Generate Them All

One of the coolest things about having your templates predefined on each relevant copywriting of your Style Guides, is that you can generate all of the content in one go.

Simply click the big button on the top of the page saying "GENERATE".

All fields are then combined into a single prompt modal allowing for the same brief verification of properties as well as options to add additional property values etc. based on your exact setup. Besides that hitting the blue Generate button takes care of the rest.

And that's not even all - Once you have your templates dialed in for each field, a setting in your Copywriting workflow allows your prompt to be run in the background, so that you may open up the task with auto-generated content ready to review and work with.

Read more about the setting here.

AI Copywriting is a Powerful Tool - But No Silver Bullet

While the example templates in this article can get you close to your desired output, they aren’t always plug-and-play solutions. AI-generated copy, even with sophisticated templates, requires a level of finesse and understanding to get the most out of it.

We highly recommend taking the time to fully explore and experiment with different Instruction Templates. Even small adjustments to the wording in these templates can lead to drastically different results from the AI.

Ultimately, mastering our templating system allows you to guide the AI to generate content that meets your exact needs. Whether you're working with ChatGPT, Claude AI, or another text-generating AI, the key is learning how to shape these systems with precision, ensuring consistent, high-quality output every time.

Extensive Deep-Dive

Template Blocks

Template blocks are the core components of your copywriting template. They define specific sections of content and provide instructions on how that content should be generated.


Template blocks are enclosed in double curly braces {{ }} and consist of two main parts:

  1. Block name

  2. Instructions (separated from the block name by a pipe |)

The general structure is:

{{ block_name | instruction1, instruction2, ... }}

Common Block Types

While you can create custom block types as needed, here are some common ones you might use:

  1. introduction_paragraph: For the opening section of your copy.

  2. feature_description: To describe individual product features.

  3. technical_specs: For listing technical specifications.

  4. conclusion: For the closing section of your copy.

Instructions and Modifiers

Instructions provide guidance on how the content should be generated. They can include:

  1. Tone or style descriptors (e.g., motivational, passionate)

  2. Perspective of writing (for the reader, or about the product (3rd person))

  3. Length indicators (e.g., 1-2 sentences, 3-6 words)

  4. Content type (e.g., bulleted list, concise list format)

Usage Examples

  1. Introduction paragraph

    {{ introduction_paragraph | motivational, passionate, 1-2 sentences }}

    This instructs the system to generate a motivational and passionate introduction paragraph consisting of 1-2 sentences.

  2. Feature description:

    {{ feature_description | dynamic, direct, 3-6 words }}

    This will generate a dynamic and direct description of a feature, using 3-6 words.

  3. Technical specifications:

    {{ technical_specs | informative, to the point, concise list format }}

    This will create a concise, informative list of technical specifications.

Best Practices: Template Blocks

  1. Be specific with your instructions to get the desired output.

  2. Use consistent naming conventions for your block types across templates.

  3. Order your instructions from most to least important.

  4. Balance between providing enough guidance and allowing flexibility for the AI.

Combining Blocks with Control Structures

Template blocks can be used within control structures like loops. For example:

{% for feature in features as bulleted list %}
{{ feature_description | dynamic, direct, 3-6 words }}
{% endfor %}

This would generate a bulleted list of feature descriptions, each being dynamic, direct, and 3-6 words long.

Remember, the effectiveness of your template largely depends on how well you structure and instruct these blocks. Experiment with different combinations of block types and instructions to find what works best for your specific copywriting needs.

Control Structures

Control structures allow you to add logic and iteration to your templates, making them more dynamic and capable of handling varied product information. In this templating language, control structures are primarily used for looping through lists of items.


Control structures are enclosed in {% %} tags. The primary control structure used in this system is the 'for' loop.

For Loops

The 'for' loop is used to iterate over a collection of items, such as product features or specifications.

{% for item in collection as display_format %}
// Template blocks or other content here
{% endfor %}


  • item: The current item in the iteration.

  • collection: The list of items to iterate over.

  • display_format: Optional. Specifies how the items should be displayed (e.g., bulleted list).

Usage Example

Here's an example of how you might use a 'for' loop to create a list of product features:

{% for feature in features as bulleted list %}
{{ feature.description | dynamic, direct, 3-6 words }}
{% endfor %}

This loop will:

  1. Iterate through each item in the 'features' collection.

  2. For each feature, generate a description using the specified template block.

  3. Display the results as a bulleted list.

Best Practices: Control Structures

  1. Use meaningful names for your loop variables (e.g., 'feature' instead of 'item' when looping through features).

  2. Be mindful of nesting loops, as it can quickly complicate your template.

  3. Use the 'as display_format' option when you want to control how the iterated items are presented.

Combining with Template Blocks

Control structures work hand in hand with template blocks. You can use template blocks within your loops to define how each item should be processed:

{% for spec in technical_specs as concise list %}
{{ | capitalize }}: {{ spec.value | technical, precise }}
{% endfor %}

This would create a concise list of technical specifications, with each spec's name capitalized and its value described in a technical, precise manner.


Currently, the system primarily supports 'for' loops. Conditional statements (if/else) are not implemented in this version of the templating language, though they MIGHT work at times.

Remember, the power of control structures lies in their ability to dynamically handle varying amounts of data. Use them to create flexible templates that can adapt to different products with varying numbers of features or specifications.

Instructions and Modifiers

Instructions and modifiers are powerful tools within template blocks that allow you to fine-tune the content generation process. They provide specific guidance to the AI on how to craft the copy, influencing tone, style, length, and format.


Instructions and modifiers are listed after the pipe symbol | within a template block:

{{ block_name | instruction1, instruction2, modifier1, modifier2 }}

Multiple instructions and modifiers can be used, separated by commas.

Common Instructions

Instructions guide the overall approach to content generation. Some common instructions include:

  1. Tone instructions:

    • motivational, passionate, professional, casual, friendly, technical

  2. Style instructions:

    • dynamic, direct, informative, persuasive

  3. Content type instructions:

    • descriptive, comparative, narrative, analytical

Common Modifiers

Modifiers typically affect more specific aspects of the generated content:

  1. Length modifiers:

    • 1-2 sentences, 3-6 words, brief, detailed

  2. Format modifiers:

    • bulleted list, concise list format, paragraph form

  3. Emphasis modifiers:

    • highlight benefits, focus on features, emphasize value

Usage Examples

  1. Introduction paragraph with tone and length instructions:

    {{ introduction_paragraph | motivational, passionate, 1-2 sentences }}

  2. Feature description with style and length modifiers:

    {{ feature_description | dynamic, direct, 3-6 words }}

  3. Technical specifications with format and style instructions:

    {{ technical_specs | informative, to the point, concise list format }}

Best Practices: Instructions and Modifiers

  1. Be specific: The more precise your instructions, the more targeted your output will be.

  2. Prioritize: List the most important instructions first.

  3. Balance: Use a mix of tone, style, and format instructions for well-rounded content.

  4. Context matters: Consider the product type and target audience when choosing instructions.

  5. Experiment: Try different combinations to find what works best for your specific needs.

Impact on Generated Copy

Different instructions and modifiers can significantly alter the output. For example:

  • {{ product_description | technical, detailed }} might produce a longer, more specification-focused description.

  • {{ product_description | casual, brief, emphasize benefits }} could result in a short, friendly description highlighting how the product improves the user's life.

Remember, the AI interprets these instructions to generate the most appropriate content. The effectiveness of your template often depends on how well you utilize these instructions and modifiers.

Best Practices Summary

Creating effective templates for e-commerce copywriting requires a blend of technical understanding and creative insight. Here are some best practices to help you make the most of this templating system.

Start with a Clear Structure

  • Begin with a well-defined outline of your product description.

  • Use a logical flow: introduction, key features, technical specs, and conclusion.


{{ introduction_paragraph | motivational, 1-2 sentences }}
{% for feature in top_features as bulleted list %}
{{ feature.description | dynamic, 3-6 words }}
{% endfor %}
{{ technical_specs | informative, concise list format }}
{{ conclusion | persuasive, call-to-action, 1 sentence }}

Be Specific with Instructions

  • Use clear, descriptive instructions in your template blocks.

  • Combine tone, style, and format instructions for more precise outputs.


{{ feature.description | benefit-focused, enthusiastic, 5-8 words }}

Leverage Control Structures

  • Use loops to handle varying numbers of features or specifications.

  • This makes your templates more flexible and reusable across different products.

Maintain Consistency

  • Use consistent naming conventions for block types across templates.

  • Keep a consistent order of parameters in your header section.

Consider Your Audience

  • Adjust your instructions based on the target audience and product type.

  • Use appropriate language complexity and tone for your market.

Balance Detail and Flexibility

  • Provide enough detail in your instructions to guide the AI effectively.

  • Leave room for the AI to generate creative and varied content.

Test and Iterate

  • Run your templates with different products to ensure they produce good results consistently.

  • Refine your templates based on the outputs you receive.


{% for feature in top_features | up to 3 items as bulleted list %}
{{ feature.description | benefit-focused, concise }}
{% endfor %}

Optimize for Readability

  • Use line breaks and indentation to make your templates easy to read and maintain.

  • Group related elements together for logical organization.

Stay Updated

  • Keep abreast of any updates to the templating system.

  • New features or best practices may be introduced that could enhance your templates.

By following these best practices, you can create templates that consistently produce high-quality, engaging e-commerce copy tailored to your specific needs and audience.

Advanced Template Examples

To help you get started with creating your own templates, here are some examples ranging from simple to more complex. These examples demonstrate how to combine the various elements we've discussed: headers, template blocks, control structures, and instructions.

Simple Product Description Template

This basic template creates a short product description with an introduction, key features, and a conclusion.

{{ introduction_paragraph | enthusiastic, 1-2 sentences }}

{% for feature in top_features as bulleted list %}
{{ feature.description | concise, benefit-focused, 3-6 words }}
{% endfor %}

{{ conclusion | persuasive, call-to-action, 1 sentence }}

Detailed Tech Product Template

This more detailed template is suitable for tech products with multiple features and specifications.

{{ product_name | Product Name }}

{{ introduction_paragraph | tech-enthusiast, 2-3 sentences }}

Key Features:
{% for feature in main_features as bulleted list %}
{{ | bold }}: {{ feature.description | technical, informative, 1 sentence }}
{% endfor %}

Technical Specifications:
{% for spec in technical_specs as table %}
| {{ | capitalize }} | {{ spec.value | precise }} |
{% endfor %}

{{ performance_summary | analytical, data-driven, 2-3 sentences }}

{{ conclusion | balanced, mention_price, call-to-action, 1-2 sentences }}

Fashion Product Template

This template is designed for fashion items, focusing on style, materials, and fit.

{{ product_name | stylish, centered }}

{{ introduction_paragraph | trendy, appealing, 2 sentences }}

Style Details:
{% for detail in style_features as bulleted list %}
{{ detail.description | fashion-forward, vivid, 5-8 words }}
{% endfor %}

Material & Care:
{{ material_description | informative, concise list format }}
{{ care_instructions | practical, brief }}

Fit & Sizing:
{{ fit_description | helpful, 1-2 sentences }}
{% for size in available_sizes as inline list %}
{{ size | uppercase }}
{% endfor %}

{{ styling_suggestion | inspirational, 1 sentence }}

{{ conclusion | persuasive, emphasize_uniqueness, call-to-action, 1-2 sentences }}

Food Product Templates

This template is suitable for food products, emphasizing flavor, ingredients, and nutritional information.

{{ product_name | appetizing, centered }}

{{ introduction_paragraph | mouth-watering, 2 sentences }}

Flavor Profile:
{{ flavor_description | sensory, vivid, 2-3 sentences }}

Key Ingredients:
{% for ingredient in main_ingredients as bulleted list %}
{{ | bold }}: {{ ingredient.description | informative, 1 sentence }}
{% endfor %}

Nutritional Highlights:
{% for nutrient in key_nutrients as concise list %}
{{ }}: {{ nutrient.value }} ({{ nutrient.benefit | brief }})
{% endfor %}

Serving Suggestions:
{{ serving_ideas | creative, 2-3 ideas }}

{{ conclusion | enticing, mention_price, call-to-action, 1-2 sentences }}

These examples demonstrate how to adapt the template structure and instructions for different types of products and writing styles. Remember to adjust and experiment with these templates to best suit your specific products and target audience.

Copy References

One of the key features of our copywriting system is its ability to adapt to your company's unique tone of voice and writing style. Instead of training the AI on a specific tone, we use a reference-based approach. This section explains how to effectively use references to ensure your generated content aligns perfectly with your brand voice.

Purpose of References

References serve as examples of your ideal copy. They help the AI understand and emulate your company's:

  • Tone of voice

  • Writing style

  • Vocabulary preferences

  • Typical content structure

Providing References

To use this feature:

  1. Select 2-5 pieces of high-quality content that best represent your brand's writing style.

  2. These can include:

    • Product descriptions

    • Blog posts

    • Marketing emails

    • Website copy

Guidelines for Selecting References

  • Ensure the references are recent and reflect your current brand voice.

  • Choose a variety of content types to give a comprehensive view of your style.

  • Select pieces that have performed well with your target audience.

  • Include examples that cover different aspects of your products or services.

How References are Used

  1. The system analyzes the provided references to understand patterns in language, structure, and tone.

  2. When generating new content based on your template, the AI refers to these examples to ensure consistency with your brand voice.

  3. A separate AI model validates the generated content against the references, ensuring it feels like it was written by your company.

Best Practices for Using References

  1. Update Regularly: Refresh your reference material periodically to reflect any changes in your brand voice.

  2. Consistency: Ensure all team members use the same set of references for consistency across all generated content.

  3. Diverse Examples: Provide examples covering various product types, customer segments, or marketing channels you use.

  4. Quality Over Quantity: It's better to have 2-3 excellent examples than 5 mediocre ones.

  5. Test and Refine: Regularly review the generated content and update your references if you notice any discrepancies with your desired style.

Example Workflow

  1. Provide 3 top-performing product descriptions as references.

  2. Create your template using the standard syntax and instructions.

  3. Generate content using this template.

  4. The system creates copy that matches your brand voice, validating it against the provided references.

  5. Review the output and adjust references or template as needed.

By effectively using references, you ensure that all generated content consistently reflects your brand's unique voice and style, regardless of the specific template or product being described.

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