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Error messages in Kelvin

Why am I seeing these error messages in Kelvin?

Matthias Farenholtz avatar
Written by Matthias Farenholtz
Updated over a week ago

When you are working in Kelvin you once in a while run into an issue where Kelvin shows you an error message. In the list below we have listed the most common ones and described what can be done to fix the issue. 

Kelvin says:

Error Message: Error when getting task details (RUN-20 - ProductIgnore).

Reason: This product is marked as inactive in gamma which indicates it should not be produced.

Solution: You can activate the product again in gamma via "edit products". If you don't have the right permission to do that, please contact an Admin or your Studio Manager.

Error Message: Error when getting task details (RUN-14 - TaskNotFoundInDatabase). 

Reason: We can not find this product in the database.

Solution: Please double-check if the product is imported correctly into Gamma. If you don't have the right permission to do that, please contact an Admin or your Studio Manager.  

Error Message: Error when getting task details (RUN-18 - WorkUnitDeleted).

Reason: This belongs to a deleted production type. please contact your studio manager.

Solution: Please find the product in Gamma and click "Edit Product" and activate the production type again. If you don't have the right permission to do that, please contact an Admin or your Studio Manager.

Error Message: Cannot find the barcode (BAR-1 - BarcodeNotFound).

Reason: We can not find this barcode in the database.

Solution: Check if the barcode is scanned/entered correctly, if so, please find the product in Gamma and check if it is the right barcode you are trying to scan. If you don't have the right permission to do that, please contact an Admin or your Studio Manager. 

Error Message: The barcode you entered belongs to multiple records.

Reason: The product code is identical to other codes in the system.

Solution: Check if the product code is identical to the sample code or outfit code if you are using the Ecom module and if the product code is also identical to the project code or deliverable code if you are using the Editorial module. You should then change those codes so that the product code is unique or you can use the CF sample code.

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