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March 9th – Sprint 71 Release Notes
March 9th – Sprint 71 Release Notes

Bi-weekly software updates

Tejs Rasmussen avatar
Written by Tejs Rasmussen
Updated over 4 years ago

We're back with some great updates for you! Even with a high focus on our editorial concept, we managed to bring out some nice new features and important bug fixes.

Enjoy the read!

New Features

New VPI Request-level: Final Selection

A new request-level is available for your product vendors. You can now request them to do the actual final selection making the images uploaded in the Vendor Portal flow directly to post-production or even asset delivery.

The vendor will have to fulfil the style guide requirement in order to be able to submit images, but otherwise the UI is the same as we use for Preselection by position.

Public API: New method to change product state

If you are integrating with Creative Force via the API, you can now activate/inactivate products through this channel. This is a handy functionality when products are dropped and no longer relevant for the photo studio. Ultimately resulting in better data and status information.

Create Outfit Logic

We've updated the outfit creation logic, to warn users who are about to make a second outfit by a mistake. We basically inform the user what the current situation is before they start creating the new outfit. Fewer mistakes means less wasted time! 💙

Styling Tab: Sort Outfits Logically

Have you ever looked at the styling tab and seen what you thought was an outfit for the product but discovered later that it was because the product was a secondary in another outfit? Well, I have and I should know better. A clear case of bad UI has now been corrected making it very easy to distinguish primary outfits from secondary.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: API: Prevent issue when client don’t have default style guide.

  • Fixed: API: Better handling of default values in custom data properties.

  • Fixed: API: Clean-up cropping info on Final Selection.

  • Fixed: API: Multiple object types occur when scanning.

  • Fixed: API: Product can't be reset due to wrong data.

  • Fixed: API: List values do not update in Bynder Integration.

  • Fixed: Chroma: Missing location on a sample.

  • Fixed: Chroma: Double display of product name.

  • Fixed: Chroma: Failing to update the displayed property value after edit.

  • Fixed: Chroma: Status bar height on iPhone 12 series.

  • Fixed: Hue: Not cleaning up old data due to service not working.

  • Fixed: Kelvin: Thumbnail issue on the transfer screen.

  • Fixed: Gamma: Saving a view in Labs Production duplicates date specific filters.

  • Fixed: Gamma: Unable to filter by Style Guide in the Assets screen.

  • Fixed: Gamma: Star-rating on image does not display in Gamma.

  • Fixed: Gamma: Unable to scroll down in some filters in Labs.

  • Fixed: Gamma: No saved views possible on Internal Post.

Questions, ideas, or feedback?

We're striving to create the best product for you and your team! Feel free to drop us a line via email/chat or submit your ideas and feedback directly to our product team via

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