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December 3rd - Sprint 38 Release Notes πŸš€
December 3rd - Sprint 38 Release Notes πŸš€

Bi-weekly software updates

Matthias Farenholtz avatar
Written by Matthias Farenholtz
Updated over 5 years ago

Hi there πŸ‘‹

We have launched some great updates to Creative Force and are happy to share the release notes with you! 

Happy reading!
Cheers Matthias and the product team


Support for multiple samples of a single product

On occasions, several sizes of a product/ sample can be delivered to a studio and it may be beneficial to utilise the different sizes to create the final suite of images.
e.g. a size 8 blouse is the perfect fit for the studio mannequin and the preferred model is a size 12...
To support this way of working, and to maintain visibility of all samples received, we have developed a feature to allow multiple samples to be collated under a single product code. This allows any sample (or combination of samples) associated with the product to be used in photography whilst maintaining the correct product status.
To utilise this feature, it is essential that each sample has a unique identifier, which will become the 'sample code'.

Job import
When the user imports a job where multiple rows contain the same product code and these rows contain different sample codes, the user is presented with a new view. In this view, the user can see the various additional samples associated with the common product code. Here they can decide if they wish to import these samples collated under the common product code (default) or as individual products within the job (by unchecking the tick-box next to the sample code).

Please note, where a product code exists on multiple rows without a unique sample code, Creative Force will consider the additional rows to be 'redundant' and they will not be imported. 

Products view
The user can now choose to view the products page either by 'Product' or by 'Sample'
When viewing by 'Product', the user will only see a single row per product and will be given a visual indication of the presence of additional sample information:
β€’ sample codes
β€’ Location and sub-location
β€’ The number of Checked-in samples vs the total number of samples for the product

If the text is Blue, the multiple values are different, whereas Black text indicates common values for all samples 


Additional improvements or bug-fixes

Post QC

  • Display or hide the Preset Variants
    Where additional image preset variants have been created in post-production, the user can now select which images to view (Main and variants). It is also possible to turn on/ off the file name, star rating and variant name displayed in the film-strip 

  • Change backdrop colour
    To aid image the user in post QC, they can now adjust the colour of the image backdrop. Choose between a default 'light' or 'dark' background, define a custom colour via a Hex or RGB value or select from the colour picker.

  • Display all available information and content
    The post QC side-bar has been improved to show the retouching Instructions, Comments and Markings, Previous production examples and Good/ Bad examples. Images from production or the good/ bad examples can be opened and viewed in high-resolution.

Print sample labels in Check-in flow
When in the 'check-in' flow, it is now possible to print sample labels for all samples being checked in, only 'checked-in' samples or only samples yet to be 'checked-in'.

Questions, ideas or feedback?

We're striving to create the best product for you and your team! Feel free to drop us a line via email/chat or submit your ideas and feedback directly to our product team via

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